Medical Treatment

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Welcome to

McGrogan Concierge Medical


Professional Care You Can Trust

Highly Attentive, Personalized Adult Primary Concierge Care

Concierge medicine appeals to those patients who wish to have an expanded relationship with their primary care doctor. Concierge medicine is an alternative medical model in which doctors see a reduced panel of patients, each of whom pay an annual retainer. Fewer patient's means higher quality.


Dr. Bill McGrogan

Senior Physician

Need an Appointment?

Better Healthcare Starts Now

    Concierge medical services offer numerous advantages over routine medical care. These benefits include:

    Immediate appointments

    When you need health care, you are seen the same day or the next day. Flexible appointments are available, as well as weekend appointments.

    Longer visits

    You enjoy more face-to-face time with your doctor and get all your questions and health concerns addressed.